When I had my children, I longed for the day when they would walk & talk and then when they did, I cursed myself for wishing that upon myself. Once they could walk they were into everything and once they could talk they never shut up. Sure it was cute at first and it wasn’t too bad if you had a child like Kyle my oldest who didn’t talk that much. Then 13 years later I had Regan. Regan was born vocal and then she learned to talk and then it was all over for me. I love my daughter dearly, what I don’t quite love is her ability to never be quiet or take a breathe, EVER!
While listening to her talk can be quite amusing and often sweet, if she only did it not so much it would make my days slightly more peaceful.Sometimes I think she talks just to hear herself talk.
She has no concept of a quiet voice or indoor voice either, she likes to talk loud and all the time. She always has something to say and tells you whether you want to hear it or not.
My daughter certainly isn’t shy and will talk to anyone, she is very social. My sister is the same way, just when we thought there was no one who could out talk my sister, Regan came into the world. I will admit I am social and can hold my own in a conversation but I also know when to be quiet and can go without talking if I need to.
I was quite surprised when I went to her pre-school conference and was told how quiet she is in class. Come again?? Are you sure you have the right Regan?? She has continued on through pre-school and now kindergarten being more on the quiet side and a very good listener. As she is chattier in kindergarten, but as soon as she is told it is no talking time, she immediately quiets down. Why doesn’t that work at home??
She walks behind me all day long, “mommy this, mommy that, mommy can I help you, mommy, do you want to play this, ,mommy, can we play that, mommy can I get this out, mommy can I watch this, mommy can we do this craft, mommy can we make cookies. Nothing appeases her, we can make brownies or cookies, and then it is how much longer mommy? When are they done? Giving her the time doesn’t work? Then when they are done, its how long until we can have one? I have read all the books, tried all the suggestions. I know there are parents who think they have all the answers and well, good for them, glad it works, it doesn’t for me. Not sure if that makes me a bad parent or one that is just tired and has somewhat given up on some days. All this talking would be why it appears I enjoy alot of afternoon cocktails.
Lately my darling daughter has taken up acting and singing and she sings with heart and she sings very loud. Unfortunately she doesn’t sing very well but she gives it her all and for that I love her so. When she asks me if she has a lovely voice I tell her it is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Certainly God is ok with me telling this little white lie, he wouldn't want me to tell her that that she can't sing a tune in a bucket, that would devastate her. She wants to take acting lessons, so I am looking into acting lessons and voice lessons and will let her pursue her dream until she decides she decides to move on to something else. If she keeps with it then she can pursue her dream of her one woman Willy Wonka Broadway show.
I am told I have patience by my friends and that I am a patient mom, I try, I try really hard and appreciate the fact that my friends see me as patient because I really don't think I am but I try harder each day. As for now I just keep plugging along with a smile on my face saying Yes Regan, that's fine Regan, no Regan, later Regan, and remember Regan, karma is a bitch, at least that is what my mom always told me and damm, is it true!
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